Join Alberto's adventure

Agua Desgasta Roca

Learn more about Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease of the Central Nervous System. It is present anywhere in the world and it's one of the more common neurological diseases between the population of 20 to 30 years. It can produce symptoms like fatigue, unbalance, pain, visual and cognitivas alterations, difficulties of the speech, tremor, etc. The course of the command post cannot be foretold, It's a capricious disease that can vary much from a person to another one. It's not contagious, neither hereditary, nor mortal. It affects to the people at the beginning of it's labor life, when they are initiating it's vital projects, and one occurs with more frequency (more of the double) in women than in men. Until now, one does not know it's cause nor it's cure.

Located in the Parque Nacional Picos de Europa (Spain), the Naranjo de Bulnes has been, for years, one of the points preferred by the climbers to practice this sport outdoors. An incomparable frame accompanied by the challenge that supposes to promote its 1,740 ms of unevenness. All it of the hand of Alberto, who undergoes multiple sclerosis but that she has seted out not to leave its disease prevents him to enjoy its life to the maximum.

Alberto is a man whose life has turned around the sport. Although the multiple sclerosis has forced him to resign to some of his dreams. Alberto has decided that this does not restrain him and to continue practicing new and exciting sports.
“I always practiced sport before the diagnosis (since 12 years) and after the diagnosis, evidently, with more reasons I have continued practicing the physical activity as far as possible and of reasonable form. My goal is to climb one of the most important mountains in Europe. Even with this disability we can always challenge ourselves and achieve our dreams.